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  • Is the Drop Kitchen Scale for iPad Worth The Price?
Technology Articles > Gadgets > Tablets > Is the Drop Kitchen Scale for iPad Worth The Price?

There are hundreds of Apple accessories out there, maybe thousands. If there’s something more that you want to do with your iPhone or iPad, there’s probably an accessory for it. One such option is the Drop Kitchen Scale.

This scale works with your iPad to provide you with a precise kitchen scale that aims to make baking easier. Does it really work, and is it worth the $100 price tag?

Here’s a closer look at the Drop Kitchen Scale for iPad.

A Precise Kitchen Scale

If you bake at all, you know that you can’t just use measuring cups to create a spectacular dessert. You really have to weigh all of those ingredients to make sure things are just right. The makers of the Drop Kitchen Scale want to replace the scale that you’re currently using in your kitchen with the iPad compatible option.

To use the scale, you first have to connect it to your iPad via Bluetooth, setup the app, and then choose a recipe from the many recipes included in the iPad app. From there, you can start weighing things using the scale, and your iPad screen will let you know how much each ingredient weighs. The scale is precise and small enough to fit in any tight space (it also has a rubber top, which is kind of nice for the grip factor). But, there are more drawbacks to this iPad accessory than there are benefits.

Some Certain Drawbacks

The biggest issue that I have with this scale is that you have to choose a recipe from the bank of options included with the app. You can’t input your own recipe, so you won’t be able to use the scale for anything other than one of the iPad recipe options. It would be really nice to see this accessory adapted to include an option to add your own recipe. Aside from that, the other massive drawback here is that the scale doesn’t include a digital face.

To see weights and note measurements using the Drop Kitchen Scale, you have to look at your iPad screen. If you already bring your iPad into the kitchen with you, this may not be a big deal - but even so, it would be a much handier tool if the scale included those digital numbers. Then again, the fact that this scale connects to an iPad as an accessory is possibly why the manufacturers didn’t include a digital face. If the scale did have digital numbers, the iPad wouldn’t be necessary.

Overall Impressions

There are plenty of digital kitchen scales on the market that include a digital face, can measure precisely, and allow you to use your own recipes. Why you would want the Drop Kitchen Scale is kind of hard to imagine unless you are new to baking and want to use the recipes included, and don’t mind looking at your iPad screen to see measurements.

The app does include some baking tips and helpful hints (and will soon include an ingredient replacement feature), so those are some added benefits. Is this scale worth $100? Not in this reviewer’s opinion.